3月22日(六)14:00《入山》(Ndaan Mpmaduk)紀錄片放映及座談

3月22日(六)14:00《入山》(Ndaan Mpmaduk)紀錄片放映及座談
高雄市立美術館園區 內惟藝術中心REEL TWO影廳

《Ndaan Mpmaduk 入山》紀錄片放映
講者:Tommaso Muzzi 多木子、Lucas Mesalles
地點:內惟藝術中心REEL TWO影廳
14:00-15:20 紀錄片放映
15:20-16:00 對談Q&A(多木子、Lucas Mesalles)
《Ndaan Mpmaduk 入山》由多木子執導,紀錄太魯閣族人如何遵循著祖先的狩獵文化,在部落傳統和現代文明交織的脈絡下與山林土地、動物及神靈共處。該片榮獲第二屆臺灣生態環境影展最佳剪輯獎、第58屆金鐘獎節目類導演獎、節目類剪輯獎以及節目類聲音設計獎入圍。本次放映邀請導演多木子以及助理導演Lucas Mesalles、同時也在陽明交通大學研究的地質學家Lucas Mesalles出席映後座談,跟觀眾分享他們對於狩獵以及太魯閣族文化在當代社會的處境觀察。

Director Statement
Ndaan Mpmaduk could be defined as a “fundamental deviation” within a journey aimed at researching indigenous Taiwanese cultures that began many years ago. Initially, in fact, I focused mainly on aspects concerning the feminine nature of indigenous culture, believing that it was mostly responsible for its symbolic legacy. It all started personally when I began to explore the wild areas of the mountain, and interact with its visitors, mostly men.
I began to become interested in that world, its rites, its rhythms and those languages that the human being establishes with nature in which the perception of reality unequivocally comes to terms with the senses, discovering that this concerned me personally much more than I could imagine. They were my grandparents, my hunter ancestors with whom I spoke during the production of this film and there was in this methodology a sense of “ancestor’s cult”, a “prehistoric will” which has been the essential element since the initial writing for its aesthetic elaboration. The aspect that I consider most precious about the making of this documentary is an unusual “state of exaltation” in which I found myself, both during filming and during the post‐ production part. While in the former this was evoked by the direct action, from contact with the sacred of blood and death, in the latter it emerged from the compositional reworking of the filmed material. Both were aroused by the same primordial nature. I can without a doubt say that this film gave me the experience of reality or rather what I consider divine in reality and this is why Ndaan Mpmaduk is my greatest work to date. During its creation I felt truly alive and this is personally the greatest reward for the extreme efforts it costed me.


Tommaso Muzzi 多木子
義大利籍影像工作者,自2009年旅居台灣,深受台灣原住民文化、花東人文地景吸引,長年投入太魯閣族部落田野紀錄,也多次參與花東地方文史調查、 藝術跨域等合作案。其執導紀錄片 《Ndaan Mpmaduk 入山》榮獲第二屆臺灣生態環境影展最佳剪輯獎、第58屆金鐘獎節目類導演獎、節目類剪輯獎以及節目類聲音設計獎入圍。
Tommaso Muzzi (b. 1981, Italy) is a filmmaker and documentarian specializing in ethnographic and environmental storytelling. Since 2015, he has lived in Hualien, Taiwan, working on NiiNami, a film about indigenous cultures. His work has been featured in MOCA Taipei, the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, and the Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art. His 2021 documentary Dungku Asang, on quarrying’s environmental impact, won multiple awards and was selected for the 2024 Taiwan Film Festival in Australia. Muzzi collaborates with Taiwan Indigenous Television, documenting traditional hunting practices of the Seediq-Truku people. His 2023 film received nominations at the Golden Bell Awards and the Asian TV Awards, winning for best sound setting. In 2024, he won the Silver Remi Award at the Houston WorldFest. His work continues to engage with themes of identity, culture, and ecology.

Lucas Mesalles
《Ndaan Mpmaduk 入山》助理導演,現為國立中正大學(台灣)研究員,專注於環太平洋弧形造山帶(日本、台灣與菲律賓)的地質研究與地球年代測定。



活動洽詢:高美館研究發展部 謝小姐07-5550331分機225 (週一至週五9:00-12:00;13:30-17:30)


